Kouzuki Oden -Memorial Collection- (EB-01)
Product Details:
Card No: EB01-001
Rarity: L
Color: Red/Green
Card Type: Leader
Life: 4
Power: 5000
Counter: -
Attribute: Slash
Type: Land of Wano/Kouzuki Clan
Card Set: -Memorial Collection- [EB-01]
All of your {Land of Wano} type Character cards without a Counter have a +1000 Counter, according to the rules.
[DON!! x1] [When Attacking] If you have a {Land of Wano} type Character with a cost of 5 or more, this Leader gains +1000 power until the start of your next turn.
Card Questions/Ruling:
I had a {Land of Wano} type Character card with a cost of 5 or more when I activated this [When Attacking] effect and this Leader gained +1000 power. If I no longer have a {Land of Wano} type Character with a cost of 5 or more during my opponent's next turn, does this Leader still have +1000 power?
Yes, it still has +1000 power.