Vegapunk - 500 Years In The Future (OP07)
Product Details:
Card No: OP07-097
Rarity: L
Color: Yellow
Card Type: Leader
Life: 2
Power: 5000
Counter: -
Attribute: Wisdom
Type: Scientist/Egghead
Card Set: -500 Years in the Future- [OP-07]
This Leader cannot attack.
[Activate: Main] [Once Per Turn] ① (You may rest the specified number of DON!! cards in your cost area.): Select up to 1 {Egghead} type card with a cost of 5 or less from your hand and play it or add it to the top of your Life cards face-up.
Card Questions/Ruling:
- Can I use this [Activate: Main] effect to play an {Egghead} type Event card with a cost of 5 or less from my hand onto my field or activate it?
No, you cannot.